© 2024 SpeleoCanada
About Speleo Canada
Speleo Canada’s purposes are -
To facilitate ongoing communication and fellowship among Canada's various organized
caving/speleological groups,
To provide Canadian caving/speleological organizations a national voice on matters of
common concern, and to provide a national platform for influencing governments and
educating the public about the cave and karst issues.
To serve as a contact point for the international speleological community and to
represent the Canadian caving community to the Union Internationale de Spéléologie
(UIS) [International Speleological Union]
Speleo Canada functions as a national working committee comprised of two representatives
from each member organization, the current Canadian delegate to the UIS and a coordinator.
We do not offer direct individual memberships, but we do encourage interested persons to join
one of member organizations.
Most of the groups comprising Speleo Canada have existed since the late 1960s and are
provincially registered societies. Though the idea of a Canadian national speleological
organization dates from that time, distance and communication challenges essentially isolated
clubs to evolve within their own provinces. With the advent of reliable virtual meeting
technologies, representatives of each of these groups, Canada’s current UIS representative and
several supporting individuals first met together as Speleo Canada in 2021 to create a national
level forum. Meetings are held monthly with agendas circulated before and minutes after.
A few examples illustrate some of Speleo Canada’s actions to further its purposes. Zoom
presentations by various provincial organizations have been shared nationally. The federal
government has been petitioned to recognize formally the International Year of Caves and Karst.
Protection of a key Ontario cave has been nationally supported with offers of cave management
expertise. Through Speleo Canada, the Canadian caving community has responded to requests
to support cave conservation issues in the Philippines and Brazil.