© 2024 SpeleoCanada

Speleo Canada Organizations

British Columbia Speleological Federation (BCSF), founded 1978 - which itself is

a federation of BC-based caving clubs, the oldest dating from 1962

Alberta Speleological Society (ASS), founded 1967

Speleological Society of Manitoba (SSM), founded 1987

Toronto Caving Group (TCG), founded 1968

Spéléo Québec - La Société québécoise de spéléologie (SQS), founded 1970

Atlantic Caving Group (ACG), founded 2021

Canadian Cave Conservancy, founded 1986

Other Affiliations We support and maintain relations with the Alberta/BC Cave Rescue Service (ABCCRS) and The Canadian Caver, Canada’s national–level caving journal since 1968. The caving organizations comprising Speleo Canada have also enjoyed many decades of friendly relationships and joint interests with the National Speleological Society (NSS) in the USA and its many local chapters or “Grottos”.
Speleo Canada
Guillaume Pelletier- Quebec
© SpeleoCanada 2024

Speleo Canada Organizations

British Columbia Speleological

Federation (BCSF), founded 1978 - which

itself is a federation of BC-based caving

clubs, the oldest dating from 1962

Alberta Speleological Society (ASS),

founded 1967

Speleological Society of Manitoba (SSM),

founded 1987

Toronto Caving Group (TCG), founded


Spéléo Québec - La Société québécoise

de spéléologie (SQS), founded 1970

Atlantic Caving Group (ACG), founded


Canadian Cave Conservancy, founded


Other Affiliations We support and maintain relations with the Alberta/BC Cave Rescue Service (ABCCRS) and The Canadian Caver, Canada’s national–level caving journal since 1968. The caving organizations comprising Speleo Canada have also enjoyed many decades of friendly relationships and joint interests with the National Speleological Society (NSS) in the USA and its many local chapters or “Grottos”.
Speleo Canada